blacksmith and carriage maker, Manito; was born Aug. 24, 1831, in Baden, Germany, and remained there until August, 1853, when he came to New York and engaged in his trade, blacksmithing and wagon making, for two years, after which he came to Pekin, III., and worked for T. & H. Smith at smithing for eleven years. In 1866, he was in business for himself in Pekin for a year. In September, he moved to Manito, Ill., settling in partnership with N. Weber until Dec. 13, 1871, when the firm of Heckmann & Weber moved to Pekin and remained there in business until 1874, when Mr. Heckmann sold to Fry & Weber, and returned to Manito, July 24, and engaged in the present business. Mr. Heckmann has accumulated a little fortune; has a shop, house and three lots in Manito and 106 acres of land in Tazewell Co., under fine improvement, earned entirely by his careful management. He has been a member of the M. E. Church twenty-three years; his wife and two children are also members. He was married, Jan. 24, 1856, to Mary F. Weber, of Pekin; they have had ten children: Lizzie (dead), George, Freddie (dead), Philip, Arthur, Anna, Lewis, Liddie, Ida, and Frankie. George is woiking at wagon making in Kansas City. Mr. Heckmann has held the office of Town Trustee.